[AsiaBSDCon Announce] AsiaBSDCon 2019 concluded

Hiroki Sato hrs at allbsd.org
Sun Mar 24 19:37:40 JST 2019

Dear AsiaBSDCon attendees,

 This year's conference finished a success just now.  Thank you for
 your attending it physically or remotely.  All of the talks in the
 paper sessions were recorded, and they will be uploaded to YouTube
 "bsdconferences" channel.  Conference proceedings are now available
 on the official website.  Slides will also be uploaded to the
 conference program, next to a link to the paper in PDF.

 To attendees from outside Japan: I hope you enjoyed staying in Tokyo
 and have a safe trip home.  Cherry blossoms are now blooming around
 here, so if you are lucky enough to have a day or two, you can see
 beautiful scenery.

 As noted in the closing session, AsiaBSDCon 2020 will be held though
 the detail information is not available at this moment.  Please wait
 for the first call for papers.

 Thank you again.

-- Hiroki (AsiaBSDCon 2019 General Chair hat on)
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