[AsiaBSDCon Announce] WIP session on Sunday

Hiroki Sato hrs at allbsd.org
Sun Apr 2 09:08:50 JST 2023

This is a friendly reminder that the submission due of the WIP session
is at noon today.

Hiroki Sato <hrs at allbsd.org> wrote
  in <20230401.121239.1106136881476653909.hrs at allbsd.org>:

hr> Hi all,
hr>  As announced at the opening, work-in-progress (lightning talk)
hr>  session will be held on Sunday.  Please submit 1) your name, 2) your
hr>  topic, and 3) your slides in PDF to wip at asiabsdcon.org by noon on
hr>  Sunday.  The time slots depend on how many topics we will have, but
hr>  5min talks are assumed.
hr> -- Hiroki
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